
Pan Broil Top Sirloin Steak

pan broil top sirloin steak

Friday Barbecue « Mixing Food

BEEF Cuts for the barbecue:

Cook all beef at a low to moderate termperatures. broil or roast tender cuts, braise the less tender ones.

Some cuts, as round or flank steak may be tendered by scoring, as flank steak show in color picture below.

Or these steaks and chuck or rump roast may be tendered by marinating.

Beef Marinade
1/2 cup olive oil
1/4 cu chopped onions
1 teaspoon of salt
dash of pepper
1/2 cup of babecue sauce
2 tablespoons of worchestershire sauce
2 pounds of lean beef roud or chck cut in 1 inch cubes.
For memorable kabobs, give husky cubes of beef this pep-up;
then roast to perfection over a charcoal fire.
 Combine all ingredients except meat, mix well.
Add meat and let marinate for 1-3 hours.
 Skewer meat and roast 6-8 minutes on each side. Makes 6 servings.

Beef Cuts

  1. Sirloin Steak
  2. Round Steak (needs tendering)
  3. Flank Steak (needs tendering)
  4. Club Steak
  5. T-bone Steak
  6. Porterhouse Steak

Pork Cuts

1. Canadian-style bacon (Roast, broil, pan-broil, pan fry)

2. Loin Chops (Braise)

3. Smoked shoulder butt (roast, cook in liquid, broil, pan-broil, pan-fry)

4. Sliced Bacon(Broil, pan-broil, pan-fry)

5. Half Ham (butt end roast, cook in liquid)

6. Half ham (shank end roast, cook in liquid)

7. Center ham slice ( Broil, pan-broil, pan-fry)

8. Spareribs (Roast, braise, cook in liquid)

Tender ribs for finger-eating, cristy skillet-fried bacon, luscious rotisserie ham-all make pork a barbecue favorite. Be sure to cook fresh pork till well done-no pink.

Smoky Barbecued Ribs

3 pounds ribs, cut in pieces

1 to 2 tablespoons of liquid smoke

1 cub of BBQ Sauce

1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce

1/4 cup of lemon juice, fresh, frozen or 1 lemon sliced

1 teaspoon of salt

1 teashoon of chili powder

1 cup of water

1 teaspoon of celery seed

Place ribs in a shallow pan, meaty side up. Brush with liquid smoke. Roast in a very hot oven 450 degreese for 30 minutes. Combine the remaining ingredients; heat to boiling and pour over ribs.

Continue baking in moderate oven 350degreese for 1 hour, of till tender. Baste with sauce every 15 to 20 minutes. A tablespoon or two of liquid smoke gives their extra special flavor. Makes 4 servings.

Lamb Cuts

1. Ground Lamb (Broil, pan-broil, pan-fry)

2. Riblets (breast braise, cook in liquid)

3. Square-cut shoulder Roast

4. Shoulder Chops (Broil, pan-broil, pan-fry)

5. Shanks (Braise, cook in liquid)

6. Frenched Leg (Roast

7. Sirloin Chops (Broil, pan-Broil, Pan-fry)

Young, tender lamb is light pink in color with soft, creamy white fat. For the grill, choose lamb steaks or chops (have your meatman cut them extra thick), or ground lamb for patties. For kabobs, cut lamb steaks, shoulder, or leg of lamb into hefty cubes. Leg of lamb is just right for spit roasting or your rotisserrie. Shanks need slow braising in a tasty sauce.

Broiled Lamburgers

1 1/2 pounds of ground lamb

1 1/2 teaspoons of salt

1/3 cup of milk

5 bacon strips

Combine lamb, salt, and milk. Shape mixture in five 3/4-inch patties. Circle each with a strip of bacon and anchor ends with a toothpick. Score tops with knife handle. Arrange meat patties on broiler or grill. Broil 12 minutes. Then turn patties. Broil 10 minutes longer or till patties are done. Makes 5 servings.

Barbecued Lamb Shanks

Combine 2 onions, sliced, 1 clove garlic, minced, 1 cup sliced celery, 1 cup catsup, 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce, and 1 cup of water. Cover, and simmer the mixture 5 to 10 minutes. Season lamb shanks and brown in hot fat. Add sauce, and cover. Simmer tender, about an hour and thrity minutes. Or bake in slow oven about two hours, or till done.

Start Relaxing for the weekend. Have the big crisp salad all tossed, the bread keeping cozy by the fire, coffe all ready to pour into big mugs. Kabobs cooks in a jiffy-now help your-self, everybody!

Cook it on a SKEWER!

Hefty squares of marinated meat wrapped in bacon. Big boys with big appetites, take note! Cut meat into 1 1/2 to 2-inch cubes. Let the meat marinate in the refrigerator for 1 hour in a Tangy Marinade. Remove meat and wrap each cube with bacon. Thread skewer with meat cubes, small whole onions, cherry tomatoes, whole mushrooms, pineapple, or what-have-you on separate skewers-and use jumbo size of course.Then you can start grilling foods that need the longest cooking first, add the other skewers later. Cook 4 to 5 inches from heat for 15 minutes; turn and cook about 15 minutes longer. Brush with a marinade while cooking. Add the cherry tomatoes for the last few minutes of cooking time. These old school recipes called for pitted olives, chunks of frankfurter, sausages, peach halves, a mushroom cap and even a cherry too. Serve corn on the cob and rolls in heatproof dishes so they can keep warm at the side of the grill. Put relishes on a nearby table, away from the heat.

Tangy Marinade:

Combine 3/4 cups of hot water

1/3 cup of soy sauce

1/4 cup of honey

2 tablespoons of olive oil

2 tablespoons of lemon juice

4 cloves of garlic, minced

1/2 cup Pineapple juice

Hawaiian Meat on a Stick Marinade

1 1/2 pounds of meat in 1 inch cubes

1 teaspooon of dry mustard

1 teaspoon of chili powder

1/2 teaspoon of ground ginger

1/2 cup of finely chopped onion

1 teaspoon turmeric

1 1/2 teaspoons of salt

1/2 cup of coriander

4 tablespoons of lemon juice,

1 teaspoon of honey

A Hawaiian treat famous in the Islands. Mix the ingredients together in a bowl. Pour the mixture over the meat and let stand for 2 hours. Thread meat on skewers. Broil about 25 minutes, turning often on the grill or rotating skewers.

Friday Barbecue

Grilled Shish-Kababobs on a Skewer

Corn On the Cob

Western Salad Bowl

Garlic Dressing

Hot German Potato Salad

Toasty Cheese Bread

Mom's Apple Pie
